My First Prayer Update

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APCDivito2015Welcome to my first prayer newsletter update for African Pastors’ Conferences (APC)! Let me begin by thanking you for your willingness to pray for my family as we prepare to move to South Africa so that I can serve APC as their next Conference Manager.

As I reflect upon how critical African Pastors’ Conferences is throughout southern Africa, I am reminded of the Apostle Paul’s letter to Titus. After proclaiming the gospel together on the island of Crete, Paul continues to travel as a pioneer missionary. But he leaves Titus in Crete to complete their work. This is because missions work includes establishing churches with mature leadership. To stay healthy, the young churches in Crete needed mature pastors committed to the Word of God. Otherwise, they would fall prey to false teachers who will deceive and upset these churches.

Unfortunately, all too often in Africa today we find false teachers, pastors who are not equipped or under-equipped, and a multitude of other challenges. APC seeks to equip pastors with a clear understanding of the gospel of Jesus Christ to help pastors understand and recognize false teachers. As one Ghanaian scholar comments in the Africa Bible Commentary: “Today, in our African context, common heresies include the teaching that all humans will be saved, the elevation of African traditional religion as equivalent to Old Testament faith, ancestor worship, and the mixing of African traditional religion and Christianity.” May we counter such error by training leaders to rightly handle the Word of Truth!

In order to begin serving Christ in Africa, I will need to raise awareness and support. With this in mind, please pray as we develop the material required to let people know more about this exciting opportunity. From producing a prayer card to brochures, from a web site to mail-outs, we have a lot of work ahead of us. But this is all essential groundwork that we need to develop so that we can move forward.

Along with the needs above, please pray with us that we can quickly raise the support we need. We estimate needing $50,000 for start-up costs (pre-field orientation, airfare, vehicle, equipment, etc.) and $48,000 for ongoing annual expenses. While this may sound like a lot, we believe that our monthly need can be met. Even $25 or $50 a month can make a huge difference! We look forward to seeing over the next several months who will partner with us in advancing God’s truth in Africa.

Finally, please let me know if your church or other churches in your area would be willing to have me come visit and speak. I am beginning to schedule opportunities to let brothers and sisters in Christ know more about African Pastors’ Conferences and would love to hear from pastors and churches who are interested in learning more about the need in Africa.

As we embark upon this time of transition for our family, we are grateful for your commitment to pray for us. May Christ be glorified through our ministry for the furtherance of His gospel in Africa!